Praising God in Devon

Come visit this Sunday We’re looking forward to meeting you..

I'm New Here

We welcome you to visit this Sunday…

How to find us

We are two beautiful churches in the heart of South Devon. St. Luke’s in Newton Abbot and St. John’s in Bovey Tracey. Both offer a warm welcome and joyous worship. Come and visit us soon…

Church News

News for the 16th February and the Week Ahead

Dearest friends, Last week we celebrated the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius. They were brothers who both entered the service of Christ together. Methodius was a monk and Cyril became a Bishop. Between them they are credited with many wonderful things (not least the invention of an entire alphabet) but at the heart of this celebration is the message of a joint purpose and calling. The brothers were missionaries in the slavic countries and nothing could stop them bringing…

News for 9th February and The Week Ahead

Dearest friends, Last week was the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. In 1858 the immaculate Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France.  Mary appeared to this poor, 14 year-old girl to call us to change our lives for the better. To pray the rosary and to offer ourselves in service of the poor and the sick. A couple of years ago I had the chance to go to Lourdes on pilgrimage. I must admit I wasn’t expecting…

News for 2nd February & Week Ahead

Dearest friends, Last week Rev’d Dave, Gareth and myself took a team away day at Sheldon Retreat. We spent some time reading and discussing the whole of St Peter’s second letter, praying together and talking about how we might develop a real visible sense that we are one benefice in partnership with St. John’s. As a result, we agreed to do the following things: We’ll also be continuing our town centre outreach (in which we hope to include Bovey soon)…

Wickham Hall

Wickham Hall is the church hall at St. John’s in Bovey Tracey. It’s a beautiful space with modern facilities that are perfect for your yoga class or children’s party.