News for 8th September

News for 8th September

Dear friends,

I want to start by saying a sincere thank you to you all for your kind messages of sympathy and support following the news of the sudden death of my father in law. Catherine has found your love and care to be a great support, it’s really shown what a loving family we are here.

It’s been a strange start to the new term, but one centred in love, and for that I’m truly grateful.

This Sunday we hear how Jesus heals a deaf man who also had an impediment in his speech. He did this with a simple touch and with prayer. Whilst we may not have Jesus’ hands we do have the power of His name and the ability to pray. When we pray for people, big things happen. People are opened to the love of God in their lives. This week, please pray for the opening of hearts in this world to Jesus and that through that opening His love will rule and all evil will be banished.

With all my love,

Fr. Matthew


Harvest Festival This Sunday (8th September, St. Luke’s)
There will be an opportunity to bring forward gifts at the offertory. These gifts will be shared with THAT foodbank in Buckland. They are in particular need of:

Sugar, Cooking Oil, Eggs, Jam, Custard, Pasta Sauce, Tins of Sweetcorn, Tins of Soup, Women’s Deodorant, Men’s Deodorant, Washing up Liquid, Ketchup or Mayonnaise, Anti-Bacterial Spray, Anti-Bacterial Wipes

Harvest Festival at St. John’s on the 15th September
9:15am Said BCP Mass

11am Family Harvest Celebration Mass followed by Bring and Share Harvest Fellowship in the hall.

There will be an opportunity to bring forward gifts at the offertory. These gifts will be shared with THAT foodbank in Buckland.

Parish Lunch This Sunday at St. Luke’s
With a twist! We’ll be serving the lunch in church as the church hall kitchen is not yet complete. We’ll be celebrating a very special union at the lunch (I shan’t spoil the surprise Keith & Margaret!)

Welcome Clive to St. Luke’s!
We have two new organists joining us on a rota with Chris – Clive and Robert. Clive is with us today and Robert will be with us in a couple of weeks. Thank you! Please make sure Clive feels very welcome and loved and do forgive me any mistakes as Clive and I work together for the first time!

Social Committee Meeting (SL)
In Church, 7pm, 11th September

PARISH QUIZ with Fish and Chip Supper
Saturday 14th September
Please sign up if you are coming.

The Exultation of the Holy Cross 
Sung Mass at St. Peter’s Plymouth,14th September, noon. If you need a lift please speak to Fr. Matthew or Victoria.

5th Sunday Service (29th September)
As we move to a new pattern between St. Luke’s and St. John’s our first joint 5th Sunday service will be here at St. Luke’s. We’ll start at 11am as usual and it would be wonderful if we could arrange some wonderful fellowship afterwards. If anyone is willing to help with that please do let me know. Catherine and I will be in Wales for her father’s funeral on the 26th so we’d really appreciate someone organising this for us. (thank you).

Newton Abbot Team
Our new, deeper relationship with the Newton Abbot Team will also show itself on the 29th September as we have our first joint Evensong. This will take place at 5:30pm in Highweek and I will be preaching.

Our next PCC meeting will be on Wednesday 25th September at Abbotsbury Church at 7pm. The first part of the meeting will be a joint gathering with the Newton Abbot PCC, and after opening worship, we will hear from the Teignbridge lead for Christians Against Poverty. Our hope is that CAP will not only become one of our nominated mission organisations next year, receiving financial support, but that we may be able to work with Newton Abbot PCC to set up a CAP hub to support people struggling with their finances. This is one of the practical ways we want to develop our relationship with the Newton Abbot Team over the coming years. Please pray for both PCC’s as they meet.

1st Saturday Outreach in Town: Rev’d Dave and Fr. Matthew are planning to do some outreach in town every first Saturday of the month, probably from 10am to 2pm or thereabouts. We’re looking for volunteers to come and join us for an hour or so each time. Could that be you? If so, come and chat with Fr. Matthew over the coming weeks.

Holy Habits 
In this pre-Advent course we explore Holy Habits, what causes them to stick and what prompts us to engage with Jesus more deeply each day. We will explore the little things that we do with our bodies, our minds and our spirits that draw us closer to God. The course will run at 7pm at St. Luke’s church in the four Thursdays running up to the 1st Sunday of Advent starting on the 7th November. The first talk & discussion will be on liturgical gestures and bodily prayer. The next session will focus on Pilgrimage before moving to Gratitude in week 3. Finally we’ll explore daily prayer & scripture. This will provide a great foundation as we move into Advent and prepare for the birth of Jesus.

The Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore
On the 1st December we’ll be joined by the Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore for an afternoon lecture on the Gospel of Mark. But this is no ordinary talk! Rev’d Chris will walk us through the gospel using the geography – and in particular the altitude – of various events and miricles – opening up Jesus message of hop and love e in a new and intriguing way. it’s the perfect way to start Advent and will not only be a St. Luke’s event, but also a team event and a Christians Together In Newton Abbot event! Don’t miss it. 3pm, St, Luke’s Church, 1st Sunday of Advent.

Rev’d Chris is rector of a rural, multi-parish benefice in the Diocese of Hereford, where he has been since 2011. He is married to Mary, and they have five sons. His doctoral research examined the Old Testament roots of Christology in the Gospels of Mark and John.

Church Hall Update at St. Luke’s
Work has been progressing very well -in particular thanks to the efforts of Kevin and Gareth. This week the new kitchen arrived and new gas and water pipes have been installed. Electric work will begin next week and you may see surveyors visiting to figure out just how we’re going to lower a temporary classroom into the space behind the hall! We’re working towards a new nursery being with us from the start of November.

Upcoming Dates

  • 11th September – Social Committee Meeting
  • 14th September – The Exultation of the Holy Cross, Sung Mass at St. Peter’s, Plymouth
  • 14th September – Parish Quiz (with fish & chips)
  • 17th September – Ministry Team Meeting (Christmas)
  • 25th September – Joint PCC with Newton Abbot Team
  • 28th September – Night with Diesel Doug
  • 29th September – Joint St. Luke’s / St. John’s Service & Newton Abbot Team Evensong
  • September TBC – Cream Tea with Angela
  • 13th October – Parish Lunch
  • 7th November – Holy Habits, Introduction, liturgical gestures, and bodily prayer.
  • 10th November – Parish Lunch
  • 14th November – Holy Habits, Pilgrimage
  • 21st November – Holy Habits, Gratitude
  • 28th November – Holy Habits, Daily Prayer and Scripture
  • 1st December – The Gospel of Mark with The Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore
  • 8th December – Mayor’s Civic Service
  • 15th December – December Parish Lunch

Pew Sheets