Dearest friends,
Praying for the dead, what’s the point?
Some will tell you that praying for the dead is simply an exercise in futility. The person you are praying for is already dead, they’ve lived their life and presumably made their own decisions about that life, their actions and most importantly – their faith in Jesus Christ. What more can we do now they are gone?
The simple truth is that we know God is merciful. In multiple parts of scripture we have seen how His heart has been turned towards mercy by the intercession of those who love Him. Who have called out to Him and asked him to be merciful.
We know that God does not work on our timetable. The fact that someone we know and love is dead and gone in this world, doesn’t mean they are dead and gone in the life of eternity. Our prayers reach God and He can easily put a new thought or direction in front of the person we are praying about.
Finally, our prayers comfort us here in this life. Praying for my Grandmother brings me peace and comfort – I know my prayers are heard and I pray that my Grandmother is now amongst the company of heaven – surrounded by all the saints and angels – and in turn I know that she will pray for me.
When we are at the altar we are surrounded by the whole company of heaven – angels and saints unite around us as we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
If you could see that whole company of heaven surrounding the altar, if you could feel their presence, if you could hear their prayers – oh what a wonder it would be!
Pray for the dead, pray for your loved ones. Be at peace.
Fr. Matthew
All Souls
There will be a special sung mass (with hymns and an opportunity to light a candle) for All Souls at St. Luke’s on Saturday 2nd November, 10am. If you would like the name of your loved one read out amongst the names of the dead and for them to be prayed for please place their name on the sheet in church or email Fr. Matthew.
Remembrance Services
In a slight change to previous years there will be a remembrance service in both parishes on the 10th November starting at 10:45am outside both churches.
Christmas Fayre, St. Luke’s
Donations of raffle prizes etc.. are needed for the Christmas Fayre. We also need books, bric-a-brac, etc.. There’s a social committee meeting on the 20th November to arrange the final details of the Fayre. Please contact Claire Baker with any questions.
The Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore
On the 1st December we’ll be joined by the Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore for an afternoon lecture on the Gospel of Mark. A time travellers guide to Mark will really open up the gospel in a new light. Refreshments will be served. 3pm, St. Luke’s. Please sign up so we know how many people are coming.
Holy Habits
Starts on the 7th November and runs for 4 weeks. It focus on habits that help us deepen our relationship with God. Sign up on the website or let me know you’re coming in person.
Sunday 27th October
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:15am – Sung Parish Mass, St. John’s
11am – Sung Mass, St. Luke’s
Divine Office Psalter Week 2, Last After Trinity, Proper 25
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th – Holy Habits [SL] 7pm
10th – Remembrance Service [SL & SJ] 10:45am
Parish Lunch [SL]
16th – Table Top Sale [SJ] 10am-12pm
20th – Social Committee Meeting [SL] 6:30pm
30th – Advent Carols [SJ] 6pm
1st – A Time Travellers Guide to Mark [SL] 3pm
7th – Christmas Fayre [SL]
8th – Mayor’s Civic Service [SL] 3pm
11th – Over 60s Christmas Concert [SJ] 2pm
15th – December Parish Lunch [SL]
19th – Cantemos Carol Concert [SJ] 7pm
22nd – Christmas Carols [SL] 4m
Nine Lessons and Carols [SJ] 7pm
24th – Live Nativity [SL] 4pm
1st Mass of Christmas [SJ] 8pm
Midnight Mass [SL] 11:30pm
25th – Christmas Day Mass [SL & SJ] 10am
29th – Joint Mass at St. John’s 10am with dedication of Holy
Family Chapel
Christingle Services at both churches TBC