Dearest friends,
Evangelism is not a dirty word. I’m sure that many of you are sick to the back teeth of me going on about evangelism. Or rather, you get sick of me writing, preaching, teaching and telling you to go out and tell people about Jesus.
We pray that more people will come to know Him every day at mass, but we also have to DO it. Pray, then do – that’s how we buld the church and in doing so build Christ’s body here on earth.
I know that talking to people about Jesus can be tough. People don’t want to hear it. They’re quite happy to sit and gossip about Doreen down the road who hasn’t washed her front step for two weeks, or some other social misdemeanour, but to sit and and talk about their eternal life is just a step too far.
Why? Well because whilst Jesus calls us as we are – exactly as we are – as we get to know Him we are drawn into a relationship that compels us to become more like Him, rather than more like us… and who wants to be told that!?
We are called to change. It’s not a case of being told that what we are doing or how we are living is wrong, it’s a case of discovering that there’s a much, much, better way of living and that a life lived folloiwing Jesus is a life that results in an eternal life beyond imagining. A life that lifts us from whatever the world throws at us and raises our gaze heavenwards.
So try to talk to some friends about Jesus this week. Be like St. Luke the Evanglist. Be like St. John the Evanglist. Both disciples of Jesus who called people to Him by showing them the amazing life that awaited them.
Fr. Matthew
Rosary Group
1st Feb, 10:30am
The Rosary Group is a lay led prayer group that meets on an ad-hoc basis to pray the rosary together in the Lady Chapel of St. Luke’s.
It’s the ideal place to come if you’ve never prayed the rosary or if you need a small group of people who will support you and pray with and for you.
The Bible Course
Our course this term is ‘The Bible Course’ and will run on Thursday evenings in Wickham Hall at 7pm for 8 weeks starting 23rd January. The final session (13th March) will be taught by the Bishop of Exeter, The Rt. Rev’d Dr. Mike Harrison.
Bishop Paul will be with us in February. If you’ve not been confirmed (or don’t know what it means!) and would like to discuss being confirmed, please do speak to Fr. Matthew.
Susana Crow – YWAM
Susana Crow who works with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) spreading Gods word and doing mercy ministries in Malawi Africa will be sharing what her and her community are guided by God to do and to seek your support. We will be meeting in the Wickham Hall, 6pm on January Thursday 16th
If you would like to support Susanna you can go to the stewardship website:
Stewardship Account:
Or contact her at her email address:
Sunday 12th January
The Baptism of The Lord
9:15am – Sung Mass, St. John’s
11am – Sung Mass, St. Luke’s
St. Luke’s Parish Lunch
Divine Office Psalter Week 1, C(I), Epiphany 1
9th – Spring (& Easter) term planning meeting [all] 7pm WH
12th – St. Luke’s Parish Lunch
16th – St. John’s PCC, 5pm
Susanna Crow YWAM talk, 6pm [SJ]
23rd – The Bible Course (every Thursday), 7pm WH
25th – Jesus, This Is Your Life & Burns Night Supper [SJ]
1st – Rosary Group [SL]
12th – St. Luke’s PCC