Dearest friends,
This Sunday is Sunday of the Word of God. In 2019 the Pope established this new day in the calendar, he did this because he wanted us to to revisit, celebrate, study, discern and share our Holy Scripture.
The centrality of scripture to our everyday life can so easily be lost and so this is an annual reminder that it MUST be part of our everyday life and not something that we simply hear on a Sunday (if we’re listening!)
Pope Francis points out that this celebration is an ecumenical one because:
“… the Scriptures point out, for those who listen, the path to authentic and firm unity”
There is far more in scripture that unites us than divides us and the joint study and love of scripture opens up for us the life of Jesus and in doing so opens up for us the life that Jesus calls each of us to.
The bible is not something to sit on a shelf untouched day-to-day but is something that should be read – often.
It should be read alone in the quiet of your mind, and with others, as you discern what God is saying to you.
There are free bibles available if you need one, indeed if you come along to the Bible Course on Thursday evenings you’ll be given a brand new ESV Bible from SPCK, there’ll also be a new bible study group starting in the summer term.
There is no excuse to not read your bible and if you don’t know where to start I really encourage you to come along to the Bible Course.
Fr. Matthew
The Bible Course
Our course this term is ‘The Bible Course’ and will run on Thursday evenings in Wickham Hall at 7pm for 8 weeks starting 23rd January. The final session (13th March) will be taught by the Bishop of Exeter, The Rt. Rev’d Dr. Mike Harrison.
Jesus, This is Your Life
A brilliant concert and service has been put together by Chris Patrick (now retired organist at St. Luke’s) and will be performed at St. John’s on Saturday 25th January at 5:30pm followed by a celebratory Burns Night Supper to celebrate Chris and his amazing achievements as organist. No need to sign up, just come along (BYOB).
St. John’s PCC
Due to illness we had to cancel last weeks PCC. We will now meeting on Thursday 23rd at 5pm. We need to vote on a very important matter so please do make every effort to attend.
Rosary Group
1st Feb’, 10:30am
The Rosary Group is a lay led prayer group that meets on an ad-hoc basis to pray the rosary together in the Lady Chapel of St. Luke’s.
It’s the ideal place to come if you’ve never prayed the rosary or if you need a small group of people who will support you and pray with and for you.
Susana Crow – YWAM
If you missed Susana’s talk this week you can still support her and her mission work. If you would like to support Susanna you can go to the stewardship website:
Stewardship Account:
Or contact her at her email address:
Prayer Focus
Pray this week for all missionaries around the world – and especially for those in Malawi and those who work for YWAM.
Sunday 26th January
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:15am – Sung Mass, St. John’s
11am – Sung Mass, St. Luke’s
Divine Office Psalter Week 3, C(I), Epiphany 3
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- 23rd – St. John’s PCC, 5pm
- 23rd, 30th – The Bible Course (every Thursday), 7pm WH
- 25th – Jesus, This Is Your Life & Burns Night Supper [SJ]
- 1st – Rosary Group, 10:30am [SL]
- 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th –
The Bible Course (every Thursday), 7pm WH - 9th – St. Luke’s Parish Lunch
- 12th – St. Luke’s PCC, 7pm
- 16th – +Paul Visit to St. John’s, leading BCP Mass, Family Service & Evening Prayer (with Adoration and Benediction)
- 4th – Pancake Race, 4pm [SL]
- 5th – Ash Wednesday, 10am [SJ], 7pm [SL]
- 6th – The Bible Course, 7pm, WH
- 8th – Torfaen Male Voice Choir Concert 7pm [SL]
- 9th – St. Luke’s Parish Lunch
- 12th – St. Luke’s PCC, 7pm
- 13th – The Bible Course final session with +Mike, 7m WH
- 15th, 22nd, 29th – Stations of the Cross [4pm SL, 6pm SJ]
- 16th – St. John’s APCM 3pm
- Music & Meditation 4pm [SJ]
- 23rd – St. Luke’s APCM after Mass
- Messy Easter at St. Catherine’s, 3-5pm
- 30th – Mothering Sunday
St. John’s Table Top Sale – Every 3rd Saturday at Wickham Hall