News for 2nd February & Week Ahead

News for 2nd February & Week Ahead

Dearest friends,

Last week Rev’d Dave, Gareth and myself took a team away day at Sheldon Retreat. We spent some time reading and discussing the whole of St Peter’s second letter, praying together and talking about how we might develop a real visible sense that we are one benefice in partnership with St. John’s. As a result, we agreed to do the following things:

  • Continue to meet regularly as benefice clergy, to support and encourage one another.
  • Organise pulpit swaps throughout the year.  
  • Join in each other’s PCCs.  
  • Reach out with the gospel together.  The poorest area of the benefice is Buckland, so we are going to work together on finding ways to reach out into that part of town with the good news of Jesus as well as plant a new church at St. Catherine’s in Heathfield.  

We’ll also be continuing our town centre outreach (in which we hope to include Bovey soon) on a regular basis and are building links with Christians Against Poverty.

These four aims are on top of our shared Evensongs, and planning special shared events like the one we had last December with Rev Dr Chris Moore who came to speak to us about Mark’s Gospel and more joint events with St. John’s.

Fr. Matthew


Electoral Roll
This year the Electoral Roll is fully updated. That means that everyone needs to sign up to the Roll again. This will happen over the coming weeks and then it will be published for two weeks before the APCMs. Forms are available in both churches or can be downloaded from the website. Please hand your forms to either Doug (St. Luke’s) or Linda (St. John’s).


We’re launching a new service at St. John’s on the 16th February with +Paul called Explorers. This is a small seed that is going to grow into a new church to be planted into St. Catherine’s School in September. I’m looking for volunteers to help with children’s crafts, serving coffee & tea (and almost certainly donuts!) and welcoming people into church. I’m particularly looking for someone who can help me advertise the new service on social media – particularly the various local Facebook Groups. 

Please be in touch with Fr. Matthew if you feel God prodding you to lend a hand. 

Burns Night
The people of St. Luke’s have asked me to pass on their sincere thanks for a wonderful night of food, dancing, and merriment at Wickham Hall last Saturday as we raised a toast to Chris our newly retired organist. Thank you everyone who made it such a wonderful and enjoyable evening!

The Bible Course
Thursday evening, 7pm
We’ve had a wonderful start to our Bible Course. This week we’ll be handing out the bibles and manuals and delving into Creation in Genesis. Much to learn!
No session on Thursday 6th February.

Prayer Focus
Join the Rosary Group on Saturday 1st February, 10:30am at St. Luke’s Church. It’s a great way to learn how to pray the Rosary and to join a group of loving people praying for each other and the world.

Sunday 2nd February 

The Presentation of the Lord 
9:15am – Sung Mass, St. John’s
11am – Sung Mass, St. Luke’s
Divine Office Psalter Week 4, C(I), Presentation


  • 1st – Rosary Group, 10:30am [SL]
  • 13th, 20th, 27th –
    The Bible Course (every Thursday), 7pm WH
  • 9th – St. Luke’s Parish Lunch
  • 12th – St. Luke’s PCC, 7pm
  • 16th – +Paul Visit to St. John’s, leading BCP Mass, Family Service & Evening Prayer (with Adoration and Benediction)


  • 4th – Pancake Race, 4pm [SL]
  • 5th – Ash Wednesday, 10am [SJ], 7pm [SL]
  • 6th – The Bible Course, 7pm,  WH
  • 8th – Torfaen Male Voice Choir Concert 7pm [SL]
  • 9th – St. Luke’s Parish Lunch
  • 12th – St. Luke’s PCC, 7pm
  • 13th – The Bible Course final session with +Mike, 7m WH
  • 15th, 22nd, 29th – Stations of the Cross [4pm SL, 6pm SJ]
  • 16th – St. John’s APCM 3pm
  •           Music & Meditation 4pm [SJ]
  • 23rd – St. Luke’s APCM after Mass
  •           Messy Easter at St. Catherine’s, 3-5pm
  • 30th – Mothering Sunday


  • 2nd – St. Luke’s PCC, 7pm
  • 10th – Oswestry Chrism Festival (Exeter Cathedral, 11am)

Palm Sunday (13th April)

  • St. John’s – Process from Wickham Hall at 9am into Palm Sunday Mass at Church
  • St. Luke’s – Process from the Calvary at 11am into Palm Sunday Mass at Church followed by Parish Lunch

St. John’s Table Top Sale – Every 3rd Saturday at Wickham Hall

Readings for this Sunday